Privacy Policy

Bonom respects your privacy

Portal Bonom knows how important it is for you to know and be confident about the use of your personal data ("Data"). So we want to talk to you a little bit about privacy. This Privacy Policy ("Policy") explains what Data we may obtain and how we may use it. It applies to all services made available by Bonom (group of companies listed in item 4 below) through websites, applications, interfaces, portals, products and Internet applications, such as, among others ("Service or, collectively, " Services"). Use of Data specific to each Service not provided for herein will be regulated in the respective terms of use. Portal Bonom services share infrastructure, systems and technology so that you have an integrated, innovative, efficient and secure experience across all Services. We are always improving our Policy and the changes are reflected on this page. So, before using one of our services, take a look here. And don't worry: you will always be notified of any changes.

What data we collect about you

Bonom Account Data and Browsing Data

Bonom Account Data: We collect some Data about you when you create your Bonom Account. During the registration process we ask you to create a login and password ("Bonom Account"), Data such as your full name, email address, date of birth, gender, location, ID, address, landline and /or mobile and, in the case of a subscription to the Services, billing data (as applicable to the Service). After registering, you can enjoy the benefits of having a Bonom Account and participate in promotions, online events, sweepstakes, polls, make purchases, access free Services and subscribe to Services. Browsing Data: We also collect your Data when you (I) use our Services; (II) fill in forms, make comments, participate in promotions, polls, online events, sweepstakes, perform searches and other interactions on our Services; and (III) access our Services via your computer, mobile phone, smart TV and/or other access device. Data collected from your access to the Services includes: your geolocation; your IP address; access device information (such as unit identifier, advertising identifier, operating system name and type); connection information; your browser type and the pages and content you access on our Services.

Data obtained from third parties

We collect Data about you from publicly available sources, service providers and partners who provide us with your Data in accordance with law.

How we use your data

  1. Bonom Account Data and Browsing Data

    We use Bonom Account Data and Browsing Data, from your first access to the Services, to: (I) understand how you use the Services; (II) select and personalize advertisements for you, on or off the Services; (III) provide, customize and recommend content and services; (IV) offer new Services to you, including those whose contracting you initiated but did not complete; (V) to measure performance and improve the Services, (VI) to help advertisers and partners to assess the effectiveness and reach of advertisements and also to understand the profiles of people who access such advertisements; (VII) provide technical support and ensure the security and functionality of the Services; (VIII) develop, test and improve new products and services; (IX) carry out research and innovation activities related to the performance and improvement of the Services; (X) monitor usage activities and trends; (xi) measure interactions and audience for the Services; (xii) process billing information, send confirmations and fulfill your orders in the case of Paid Services; (xiii) send offers, information about promotions, events and/or advertisements to your email account, via text message, messaging app, phone call and instant notification (push); (xiv) communicate with you and respond when you contact Bonom; and (XV) comply with the terms of use for the Services and fulfill the purposes set forth therein.

  2. Data obtained from third parties

    We use Data obtained from third parties to (I) make inferences about content and topics that may be of interest to you; (II) improve our Services; (III) personalize the content and advertising we show you; and (IV) obtain credit history to help detect and prevent fraud. We may also use Data obtained from third parties for the same purposes as permitted by the third party, if you have authorized it, as well as under the terms of this Policy, when you accept it.

  3. Anonymized Data

    In addition to processing the Data in accordance with this Policy, we also use your data anonymously, that is, data that do not personally identify you.

Who do we share your data with

Bonom uses trusted third-party services and technologies that adhere to acceptable security standards and are subject to confidentiality obligations. Your Data will be shared with such third parties (below) always in accordance with this Policy, the terms of use of the respective Service (if any) and applicable legislation.

Sponsors and Business Partners.

For purposes of fulfilling the requirements of promotions or contests, in the case of promotions or contests sponsored by other companies or through partnerships with Bonom, provided that you have agreed to participate in such promotions.

Research companies.

In order to offer a service that best suits your profile, we will contact you to carry out surveys and surveys in order to test, solve problems or evaluate our Services.

Related Companies.

To (I) identify Related Companies' products and services that may be of interest to you; (II) create a more personalized profile about you for the purpose of helping to personalize your experience on our Services or the Related Companies' platforms; (III) offer advertising based on your interests; (IV) conduct research and analysis to assist in improving our Services or those of Related Companies (for example, recommending programs to you that may be of interest to you); and (v) communicate promotions conducted by Bonom and/or Related Companies. Related Companies means all companies that are or will be controlled, controlling, affiliated or under common control of Portal Bonom.

Information Technology Service Providers.

To (I) provide cloud services for our platform; (II) host the Services and participate in the creation of our content; and (III) provide technical and operational support for the Services. In these circumstances, your Data will be stored and processed on third-party platforms.

Technical Support Service Provider.

For third parties who provide us with technical support services to provide assistance to users or subscribers. In these circumstances, your Data will be processed by such third parties.

Marketing Service Providers.

To offer advertisement relevant to your profile, email marketing, SMS, instant notification (push).

Financial Institutions, Payment Means Providers, Payment Means Integrators and Credit Card Companies.

In order to process payment in the event that you purchase a Paid Service, we will share your credit card number, bank details, billing details and contact information with financial institutions, payment method providers, payment method integrators and companies of credit cards.

Data Analysis Partners.

To confirm and complete your Data, we will cross-reference the Data you provide to us with those you have shared with Data analysis companies, including credit.

Government Authorities.

To (I) comply with legal, judicial and administrative determinations and also comply with official documents of competent authorities and (II) take or provoke legal, judicial and administrative measures to defend our rights under this Policy, including in any judicial or administrative proceeding. By Government Authorities is understood police authorities, public entities and/or other governmental organizations.

Security entities and fraud prevention.

To (I) fulfill contractual obligation; (II) enforce the terms and conditions of this Policy and/or terms of use for specific Services contracted by you; (III) prevent illegal, fraudulent or suspicious activities; (IV) prevent technical or security problems; and (v) report violations and/or protect our rights and property.

Measurement Partners.

To perform audience, reach and relevance analysis and measurement reporting of the Services.

Affiliates of the Bonom Portal.

So that they can manage their services using our technological tools.

Partners and buyers of new companies and/or assets.

For the sale of businesses, assets or equity interests in Portal Bonom, or the incorporation of new companies and investments.

Business Partners.

To (I) improve our Services; (II) expand our business; and/or (III) develop new businesses.

What are Cookies and what are they used for

What are Cookies

Cookies are small text files sent and stored in your web browser. These files serve to recognize, track and store your browsing.

What is the use of cookies

Cookies are used to observe browsing patterns, mapping which areas of the Services you have visited and your visiting habits as a whole, remembering who you are. We use this information to (a) check your browsing routine; (b) offer increasingly personalized content, advertising and/or services; (c) allow cross-referencing with your Bonom Account Data, (d) facilitate and expedite the completion of forms, (e) measure interactions and audience of the Services, and (f) track the progress of promotions.

Use of third-party cookies

Technology service providers may use their own cookies on the Services, with our authorization, to provide services to Bonom. Such cookies will collect your Data on our properties for the purposes set out in this policy.

How to change or block cookies

Most browsers are set to automatically accept cookies. You can, however, change the settings to block cookies or alert you when a cookie is being sent to your device. There are several ways to manage cookies, it is possible to create a general block for cookies, block cookies from a specific website and even block third-party cookies in relation to a website. Blocking all cookies will affect how your experience works, as it will not be possible to identify your preferences and recommend relevant content and advertising.

Consult your browser instructions to learn more about how to adjust or change your settings, remembering that the desired configuration must be replicated on all devices used to access the Services (such as computers, smartphones, tablets).

How Third Parties May Collect Data About You From the Services

Third parties may collect Data from the Services as follows:

Data collected by third parties on our properties.

We have partners who include tags, pixels and cookies on our properties. These technologies allow us to track your activities on our properties to provide you with targeted advertising with the appropriate exposure frequency, always seeking to provide you with a personalized experience.

Data collected by third parties on their own properties.

We have a number of partners and/or sponsors who create and offer you goods and services, as well as sweepstakes and promotions through their own properties that are accessed from the Services. The Data that you provide when you visit and/or complete transactions on these third-party sites is requested and obtained by these partners and/or sponsors and is therefore subject to their own Data collection and use practices.

For information about the Data usage rules of these partners, advertisers and/or sponsors, you can consult their respective privacy policies on the partner, advertiser and/or sponsor's own website.

Where we store, process and transfer your data

Your Data may be transferred, stored and processed within and/or outside Brazil by Bonom or our partners, in accordance with this Policy, in addition to following acceptable standards of security and confidentiality, for the purpose of providing the Services to you.

In what situations do we keep your data when you request deletion

If you request the deletion of your Data, Bonom may only keep it (a) for the period necessary to defend legal, administrative and arbitration proceedings (b) to comply with a legal obligation, (c) for the regular exercise of rights and (d) to enforce Bonom's rights based on the applicable subscription agreement and/or term of use.

Which additional policy is applicable to this policy

By accepting this Policy, you are also subject to the Browsing and Security Policy. Click here and get to know it before browsing our properties. Count on us and consult this Policy whenever you need to. It exists to help you navigate with peace of mind. And enjoy every second.

Count on us and consult this Policy whenever you need to. It exists to help you navigate with peace of mind. And enjoy every second.

Security Policy

This instrument, as well as other terms, contracts, policies, rules, requirements, limitations, signs, notes, notifications and other conditions available on Bonom, including terms of use for specific products and Bonom's Security and Privacy Policy ("Bonom's Privacy Policy Privacy"), documents that are subject to change and as in force at the time of use of Bonom's websites, applications, interfaces, portals and internet applications ("Services") (hereinafter, all together, referred to as "General Terms") , regulate the availability and use and access by the user (hereinafter simply referred to as "You") to the Contents (as defined below), as well as limiting Bonom's liability for making them available.

Rights over available content

All materials contained in the Bonom Services and applications made available by Bonom, including but not limited to texts, videos, formats, illustrations, animations, graphics, photographs, trademarks, patents, fonts, graphics, color schemes, layout, trade- dress, visual identity, browsing experience, designs, applications, application interfaces, software, software fragments (hereinafter collectively or in relation to any portion thereof as "Content") are protected by Brazilian legislation, in particular by the Law of Rights Copyright (Federal Law 9,610/98) and Industrial Property Law (Federal Law 9,279/96).

In relation to the authorized use of the Contents, this consists solely of a license to You, non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable and limited, strictly for viewing the Content in the means made available and authorized by Bonom, always in a personal and private context, without commercial purposes. No other additional rights are granted to You unless expressly and in writing by Bonom or the legitimate holder of rights in the Content.

We remind you that any access and/or use other than those expressly authorized are prohibited. For example, the following practices are prohibited, whether through action, device, mechanism, software or in any way and for any purpose:

  1. remove, alter, interfere, degrade, disable, avoid or in any way modify watermark, copyright, symbol, mark or any other sign indicating ownership or for any other purpose inserted in the Content, or any rights and/or protection mechanisms associated with the Content, as well as filters and access control, including if based on territory (geoblocking) or age group;

  2. copy in whole or in part, download, reverse engineer, "decompile", "recompile", "compile", encrypt, "decrypt", disassemble, capture, reproduce, archive, distribute, upload, publish, modify, translate , display, transmit, distribute, make available, use data mining, data collection or extraction methods, or embed the Content;

  3. use meta-tags to extract the Content, reorganize, store, capture, display, relay, make available or incorporate the Content, including frames, recaps and screenshots in any medium;

  4. commercialize, distribute for free or for consideration, advertise or develop a business, directly or indirectly, from the Content;

  5. use the Content in any way to create works derived from or based on it, such as applications, websites, montages, mash-ups, videos and marketing or merchandising materials, among others;

  6. modify, remove, interfere with, attempt to alter any part of the Content, in particular the video players, or any technology behind them. This restriction also applies to any alteration, interference or action that in any way makes it possible, even in a private way, to view the Content without displaying and/or using the applications and video players made available by Bonom and all related elements. to the Services (such as interface, trademarks and any advertisements) or without all functionalities, advertisements and interfaces associated with the Contents being accessible by Bonom;

  7. associate or generate any impression, in fact or in potential, of association of names, products, people, companies, third parties or any element with the Contents and/or with Bonom, its partners, talents, affiliates or directors;

  8. use any interface (API) of Bonom itself or of third parties for any purpose, including for the extraction, distribution, execution and/or availability of the Contents. Exceptionally, Bonom authorizes the automated indexing of texts present in the Content, provided that they are available in Bonom's unrestricted access areas and do not contain any reservations to indexing, by crawlers of search engines of public and free use exclusively for the presentation of hyperlinks in general search results that point to the Contents, provided that this does not violate items "I" to "VIII" above, especially item "III".


External hyperlinks do not constitute an endorsement by Bonom of the linked sites/environments or the information, products or services contained therein.

Bonom does not grant any guarantee regarding the availability, continuity of operation or infallibility of the Services and/or Contents, nor that they will be useful for the performance of any particular activity. Also, considering the characteristics of the internet environment, Bonom does not guarantee the security and privacy of Content outside Bonom's domain, unless under the terms of the Privacy Policy, nor that it will be uninterrupted, free of viruses or other problems, errors and attacks and, in particular, does not guarantee that unauthorized third parties cannot access and, eventually, intercept, eliminate, alter, modify or manipulate in any way the data present and/or transmitted to its servers.

Security and normal flow of communications between servers

Any practice that could harm Bonom's image or violate its rights over the Content, damage its assets, damage or in any way interfere with the normal flow of communications with its servers, the security, inviolability and privacy of the data stored there is expressly prohibited. transmitted, including, but not limited to, those that matter, may matter to, or favor:

  1. Intercepting or monitoring data traffic to or from Bonom servers;

  2. Fraud, mask or alter the origin of communications (including but not limited to altering email headers, file origin, data request origin, etc.);

  3. Degrade, make any use not expressly authorized or overload Bonom servers for any purpose;

  4. Access any data made available on Bonom's servers illegitimately (falsifying credentials, using third-party credentials, etc.); or

  5. Breaking, bypassing, damaging, tampering with, or degrading any part or security mechanism of Bonom and its servers.


By watching and/or using the Content in any way, You express your full and unreserved acceptance of the General Terms as in force at that time, for all legal purposes. Thus, the careful reading by You of the General Terms on each of the occasions in which You propose to watch and/or use the Content is recommended. If You do not agree with any of the terms and rules set forth herein, You shall not view and/or use the Content.

Suspension, blocking and deletion

In order to optimize the availability of the Content, Bonom may, including for security reasons, restrict, limit and suspend or block, in whole or in part, the availability and access to the Content.

Bonom may discontinue the availability or distribution of any Content at any time and without prior notice.

General Conditions

In case of conflicts between rules and instruments listed in the definition of the General Terms contained in the caput of this instrument, rules and conditions on specific products and/or services as made available in writing by Bonom shall prevail.

The non-exercise by Bonom of any rights or faculties conferred on it by these General Terms or by Brazilian legislation, as well as any tolerance against violations of these General Terms or its rights, will not imply the waiver of its rights, novation or amendment. of items and clauses of this instrument, and Bonom may also exercise its rights at any time.

These General Terms, as well as the relationship arising from the actions included herein, as well as any dispute that arises as a result of this will be exclusively regulated by Brazilian legislation.

The Central Forum of the Judicial District of the Capital of the State of Rio de Janeiro is hereby elected to resolve any issues arising from the use of the Contents and/or violation of these General Terms, the parties waiving any other, however privileged it may be or will be.

If you believe that there are facts, circumstances or suspicion of any misuse of the Contents or any security issue related to Bonom and, in particular, that represent infringement of copyright or intellectual property or other rights, we ask that you send a communication to Bonom via the email containing, if possible, your personal data (name, address and telephone number), as well as specifying the event verified by You (in particular, in the case of alleged copyright infringement, indication accurate and complete information of the protected and allegedly infringed content with the respective URLs).